Roma Series Toilet Repair Parts
by American Standard

A little preventative maintenance can go a long way in keeping your Roma toilet working properly, and when you need replacement or repair parts for your Roma toilet, we here at ® have what you're looking for. The American Standard Roma is designed to last with proper care, so if you need to fix a leaking fill valve or replace the actuating unit, you'll find it here.

Roma 2009 VA toiletRoma 2009
Roma 2012 toiletRoma II 2012
Roma 2080 toiletRoma 2080

Replacement Parts for American Standard Roma Series Toilets
One Piece Vent-Away Models - #2009.017, 2009.115

American Standard Roma toilet parts diagram with ventaway mechanism

Item # Image Part # Description Price & Quantity
1 american standard ballcock oem style 47135-0070a 047135-0070A Complete Water Control Assembly with Vent-Away Discontinued
2 american standard plastic plunger repair kit 12981-0070A 012981-0070A Plunger Repair Kit - plastic construction $21.95
american standard brass plunger repair kit with seat 12981-0900 012981-0900 Plunger Repair Kit - brass construction $15.24
american standard brass plunger only 8339-0700 8339-0700 Brass Plunger ONLY $9.01 Enter a quantity and
3 american standard level assembly 010551-0070a 010551-0070A Lever Assembly with Screws $21.75 Enter a quantity and
4 american standard unique float rod 073014-0070a 073014-0070A Float Rod $6.79 Enter a quantity and
5 plastic float ball 047381-0070A "Will-Fit" Float Ball - Replaces original float ball $3.70 Enter a quantity and
6 --- 033626-0070A Supply Tube Discontinued
--- 033252-0070A Male Elbow Discontinued
7 american standard volume control 10765-0070 010765-0070A Volume Regulator with O-ring $6.32 Enter a quantity and
8 will-fit refill tube "Will-Fit" Refill Tube - Replaces original refill tube 072541-0070A $1.71 Enter a quantity and
9 american standard vacuum breaker repair kit 067651-0070a 067651-0070A Vacuum Breaker Kit $20.07 Enter a quantity and
10 american standard diverter stem repair kit 067652-0070a 067652-0070A Diverter Stem Kit $28.57 Enter a quantity and
11 american standard diverter valve repair kit 067653-0070a 067653-0070A Diverter Valve Kit $33.37 Enter a quantity and
12 american standard water control mount kit 047398-0070a 047398-0070A Water Control Mounting Kit - (washer and brass shank nut) Discontinued
13 american standard brass supply coupling kit 047050-0070a 047050-0070A Supply Coupling Kit $6.56 Enter a quantity and
14 american standard flush valve 47138-0070 047138-0070A Complete Flush Valve Assembly - aka #6 New Style $94.54 Enter a quantity and
15 american standard actuating unit 073380-0070a 073380-0070A Actuating Unit with Seat Disk & Chain $30.68 Enter a quantity and
16 american standard chain assembly for flush valve actuator 8321-0700A 8321-0700A Chain Assembly - includes chain, grommet, & trip lever attachment hook $2.75 Enter a quantity and
17 american standard seatdisc 033643-0070a 033643-0070A Snap-On Seat Disc Discontinued
american standard seatdisc 033643-0700 033643-0700 Seat Disc with Threaded Brass Insert Discontinued
american standard sealdisk for flushvalve as444 AS444 "Will Fit" Snap-On / Threaded Seat Disc - (remove brass insert for snap-on version) $5.55 Enter a quantity and
18 american standard flush valve mounting kit 47397-0070a 047397-0070A Flush Valve Mounting Kit - includes nuts, bolts & mounting gasket (flush valve base is not included or available separately) $21.71 Enter a quantity and
19 american standard backflow preventer 738050-0070a 738050-0070A Backflow Preventer - (includes lever paddle) - Replaces 033633-0070A $113.69 Enter a quantity and
20 american standard white paddle lever 33409-0070A 033409-0070A White Paddle Lever ONLY $10.97 Enter a quantity and
21 vent away assembly subkit039 SUBKIT039 Vent-Away Assembly (less elbow) - Replaces 033492-0070A Discontinued
22 --- 033457-0070A Vacuum Tube Discontinued
23 --- 047054-0070A Discharge Tube Assembly Discontinued
24 --- 033501-0070A Mounting Elbow Discontinued
25 american standard floatball tank 047159-0070a 047159-0070A Float Ball Tank Discontinued
26 american standard spring clip for roma toilet float ball tank 047160-0070a 047160-0070A Spring Clip - for float ball tank $9.21 Enter a quantity and
27 american standard rubber pad for float ball 047161-0070a 047161-0070A Rubber Pad - for float ball tank $5.16 Enter a quantity and
28 toilet push button american standard ventaway 033628 033628-0020A Actuator Button - Chrome - includes hook & clevis $51.44 Enter a quantity and
american standard actuator button 033628-0990a 033628-0990A Actuator Button - Polished Brass - includes hook & clevis $77.89 Enter a quantity and
29 --- 3530.857 Roma Toilet Seat & Cover - White Discontinued
american standard elongated toilet seat lc212 SEAT Premium "Will Fit" Roma Toilet Seat & Cover
Note: Seat has 9-13/16" spread between seat bolts - view seat dimensions
Please Note: The original backflow preventer is no longer available. 738050-0070A is a suitable replacement, but you may need to shim the tank lid in some applications.

Replacement Parts for American Standard Roma Series Toilets
One Piece NON-Vent-Away Models - #2009.026, 2009.125

Parts diagram for American Standard Roma non-ventaway toilets

Item # Image Part # Description Price & Quantity
1 american standard fill valve 47136-0070a 047136-0070A Complete Water Control Assembly without Ventaway - float ball sold separately - see item #5 $345.47 Enter a quantity and
2 american standard plastic plunger repair kit 12981-0070A 012981-0070A Plunger Repair Kit - plastic construction $21.95 Enter a quantity and
american standard brass plunger repair kit 12981-0900 012981-0900 Plunger Repair Kit - brass construction $15.24 Enter a quantity and
american standard brass plunger only 8339-0700 8339-0700 Brass Plunger ONLY $9.01 Enter a quantity and
3 american standard level assembly 010551-0070a 010551-0070A Lever Assembly with Screws $21.75 Enter a quantity and
4 american standard unique float rod 073014-0070a 073014-0070A Float Rod $6.79 Enter a quantity and
5 will-fit plastic float ball "Will-Fit float ball" "Will-Fit" Float Ball - Replaces original float ball 047381-0070A $3.70 Enter a quantity and
6 american standard volume control 10765-0070 010765-0070A Volume Regulator with O-ring $6.32 Enter a quantity and
7 clear refill tube "Will-Fit" Refill Tube - Replaces original 070450-0070A refill tube $1.71 Enter a quantity and
8 american standard water control mount kit 047398-0070a 047398-0070A Water Control Mounting Kit - (washer and brass shank nut) Discontinued
9 american standard brass supply coupling kit 047050-0070a 047050-0070A Supply Coupling Kit $6.56 Enter a quantity and
10 american standard flush valve 47138-0070 047138-0070A Flush Valve Assembly - aka #6 New Style $94.54 Enter a quantity and
11 american standard actuating unit 073380-0070a 073380-0070A Actuating Unit with Seat Disk & Chain $30.68 Enter a quantity and
12 american standard chain assembly for flush valve actuator 8321-0700A 8321-0700A Chain Assembly - includes chain, grommet, & trip lever attachment hook $2.75 Enter a quantity and
13 american standard seatdisc 033643-0070a 033643-0070A Snap-On Seat Disc Discontinued
american standard seat disc 033643-0700 033643-0700 Seat Disc with Threaded Brass Insert Discontinued
american standard sealdisk for flush valve as444 AS444 "Will Fit" Snap-On / Threaded Seat Disc - (remove brass insert for snap-on version) $5.55 Enter a quantity and
14 american standard flush valve mounting kit 47397-0070a 047397-0070A Flush Valve Mounting Kit - includes nuts, bolts & mounting gasket (flush valve base is not included or available separately) $21.71 Enter a quantity and
15 american standard backflow preventer 738050-0070a 738050-0070A (includes lever paddle) Backflow Preventer - Replaces original 033633-0070A $113.69 Enter a quantity and
16 american standard white paddle lever 33409-0070A 033409-0070A White Paddle Lever ONLY $10.97 Enter a quantity and
17 american standard floatball tank 047159-0070a 047159-0070A Float Ball Tank Discontinued
18 american standard spring clip 047160-0070A 047160-0070A Spring Clip - for float ball tank $9.21 Enter a quantity and
19 american standard rubber pad 047161-0070a 047161-0070A Rubber Pad - for float ball tank $5.16 Enter a quantity and
20 toilet push button american standard 033611-0020A 33611-0020A Actuator Button $37.25 Enter a quantity and
21 --- 3530.857 Roma Toilet Seat & Cover - White Discontinued
american standard elongated toilet seat lc212 SEAT Premium "Will Fit" Roma Toilet Seat & Cover
Note: Seat has 9-13/16" spread between seat bolts - view seat dimensions
Please Note: The original backflow preventer is no longer available. 738050-0070A is a suitable replacement, but you may need to shim the tank lid in some applications.

Not sure which model toilet you have? Try looking under the toilet tank lid or inside of the toilet tank.

Replacement Parts For American Standard Roma II Series Toilets
One Piece Model - #2012.014

Parts diagram for American Standard 2012.014, Roma II series toilet

Item # Image Part # Description Price & Quantity
1 american standard fill valve 047131-0070A 047131-0070A Water Control Assembly (fill valve) - float ball sold separately - see item #4 $114.95 Enter a quantity and
2 american standard pivot arm kit 047217-0070A 047217-0070A Pivot Arm Kit $9.05 Enter a quantity and
3 american standard threaded brass float rod 033230-0070A-WF 33230-0070A Float Rod - 8-1/2" length - brass - flat on one end - for 047131-0070A $10.54 Enter a quantity and
4 plastic float ball FL-681 "Will Fit" Float Ball - Replaces original 047381-0070A float ball $3.70 Enter a quantity and
5 american standard plunger repair kit 12971-0070 012971-0070A Plunger Repair Kit $12.00 Enter a quantity and
6 american standard plunger gasket only 73070-0070 73070-0700 Plunger Gasket ONLY $1.76 Enter a quantity and
7 clear will-fit refill tube Refill Tube "Will-Fit" Refill Tube - Replaces 030079-0070A refill tube $1.71 Enter a quantity and
8 american standard water control mount kit 047398-0070a 047398-0070A Water Control Mounting Kit Discontinued
9 american standard brass supply coupling kit 047050-0070a 047050-0070A Supply Coupling Kit $6.56 Enter a quantity and
10 american standard will fit flush valve 47107-0070a 47107-0070A Flush Valve - Replaces original flush valve - chain sits on TOP of unit, aka #4 New Style $42.60 Enter a quantity and
american standard flush valve 47250-0070a 47250-0070A Flush Valve - chain sits on SIDE of unit $50.49 Enter a quantity and
11 american standard actuating unit 68470-0070a 068470-0070A Actuating Unit with Seat Disc & Chain (chain sits on top) $24.20 Enter a quantity and
12 american standard chain assembly for flush valve actuator 8321-0700A 8321-0700A Chain Assembly - includes chain, grommet, & trip lever attachment hook $2.75 Enter a quantity and
13 american standard seatdisc 033643-0070a 033643-0070A Snap-On Seat Disc Discontinued
american standard seatdisc 033643-0700 033643-0700 Seat Disc with Threaded Brass Insert Discontinued
american standard sealdisk for flushvalve as444 AS444 "Will Fit" Snap-On / Threaded Seat Disc - (remove brass insert for snap-on version) $5.55 Enter a quantity and
14 american standard flush valve mounting kit 47397-0070a 047397-0070A Flush Valve Mounting Kit - includes nuts, bolts & mounting gasket (flush valve base is not included or available separately) $21.71 Enter a quantity and
15 american standard side mount push button actuator 047108-0020a 47108-0020A Brass Side Mount Actuator Button - Chrome (4-1/2" plastic arm) $60.90 Enter a quantity and
16 --- 3530.857 Roma Toilet Seat & Cover - White Discontinued
american standard elongated toilet seat lc212 SEAT Premium "Will Fit" Roma Toilet Seat & Cover
Note: Seat has 9-13/16" spread between seat bolts - view seat dimensions
17 american standard bolt cover plate 034782-0200A 034782-0200A Bolt cover plate - white - PAIR Discontinued

Not sure which model toilet you have? Try looking under the toilet tank lid or inside of the toilet tank.

Replacement Parts For American Standard Roma Series Toilets
Two Piece Model - #2080.018 / Tank 4080.016

Toilet parts diagram for American Standard 2080.018, Roma series

Item # Image Part # Description Price & Quantity
1 american standard fill valve 47133-0070a 047133-0070A Water Control Assembly - float ball sold separately - see item #4 $95.68 Enter a quantity and
2 american standard pivot arm kit 047217-0070a 047217-0070A Pivot Arm Kit $9.05 Enter a quantity and
3 american standard float rod 30046-0070a 30046-0070A Float Rod $5.25 Enter a quantity and
4 plastic float ball FL-861 "Will-Fit" Float Ball - Replaces original 047381-0070A float ball $3.70 Enter a quantity and
5 american standard plunger repair kit 12971-0070 012971-0070A Plunger Repair Kit $12.00 Enter a quantity and
6 american standard plunger fasket only 73070-0070 73070-0700 Plunger Gasket ONLY $1.76 Enter a quantity and
7 will-fit refill tube Refill Tube "Will-Fit" Refill Tube - Replaces original 030079-0070A refill tube $1.71 Enter a quantity and
8 american standard water control mounting kit 047196-0070a 047196-0070A Water Control Mounting Kit - (plastic shank nut and washer) $5.42 Enter a quantity and
9 american standard brass supply coupling kit 047050-0070a 047050-0070A Supply Coupling Kit $6.56 Enter a quantity and
10 american standard flush valve 47137-0070a 047137-0070A Flush Valve $55.44 Enter a quantity and
11 --- 033582-0070A Actuating Unit with Seat Disc & Chain Discontinued
12 american standard chain assembly for flush valve actuator 8321-0700A 8321-0700A Chain Assembly - includes chain, grommet, & trip lever attachment hook $2.75 Enter a quantity and
13 --- 011190-0070A Refill Tube Clip Discontinued
14 american standard seatdisc 033643-0070a 033643-0070A Snap-On Seat Disc Discontinued
american standard seatdisc 033643-0700 033643-0700 Seat Disc with Threaded Brass Insert Discontinued
american standard sealdisk for flushvalve as444 AS444 "Will Fit" Snap-On / Threaded Seat Disc - (remove brass insert for snap-on version) $5.55 Enter a quantity and
15 american standard flush valve mounting kit 047195-0070A 047195-0070A Flush Valve Mounting Kit $10.53 Enter a quantity and
16 american standard side mount push button actuator 047108-0020a 47108-0020A Brass Side Mount Actuator Button - Chrome (4-1/2" plastic arm) $60.90 Enter a quantity and
17 tank to bowl gasket wa75 WA75 "Will Fit" Flush Valve 2" Sponge Gasket - View dimensions $4.39 Enter a quantity and
18 solid brass tank to bowl set brass v33 V-33 "Will Fit" Brass Tank to Bowl Bolts $6.27 Enter a quantity and
19 --- 3530.857 Roma Toilet Seat & Cover - White Discontinued
american standard elongated toilet seat lc212 SEAT Premium "Will Fit" Roma Toilet Seat & Cover
Note: Seat has 9-13/16" spread between seat bolts - view seat dimensions
20 american standard bolt cover plate 034782-0200A 034782-0200A Bolt cover plate - white - PAIR Discontinued

Frequently Asked Questions

Q. "What is a float ball tank and why is it discontinued if I need it for my toilet?"
A. The float ball tank in the Roma toilets was designed to help maintain proper water levels in the tank. The fill valve refills the tank with water after flushing, and once the water overflows into the float ball tank it turns the fill valve off quickly - eliminating the slow final filling you get with most tanks. The float ball tank is not a necessary component, meaning your toilet will work fine without it as long as the parts actually used in flushing are working, but some plumbers feel that toilets equipped with one will function better. As with almost any toilet that is no longer being made, like the Roma, the manufacturer will slowly phase out and discontinue parts - usually beginning with those that aren't essential to function.

Q. "How do you adjust the water flow of the Fill Valve (Water Control Assembly) for the #2009 Series Roma toilets?"
A. To adjust the water flow of the water control assembly (#047135-0070A with vent-away or #047136-0070A without vent-away ) you tighten or loosen the volume control stem located next to the plunger. For less flow tighten the volume control stem by turning it clockwise or for more flow loosen the stem by turning it counter-clockwise.

Q. "How do you install the Plunger Repair Kit 012981-0900?"
A. First, turn off the water to the fill valve. Unscrew the thumb screws on the lever assembly and slide the lever assembly out from the square hole in the top of the plunger. Pull the old plunger straight up out of the body of the fill valve. With a seat tool, unscrew and remove the old seat directly underneath the plunger. Screw in the new seat until it is snug. Do not over tighten it. At this point put your hand or a cup over the fill valve, turn on the water slowly and let the water run out through the seat for one or two minutes to flush any possible dirt or sediment that might be in the water line. Turn the water off again and slide the new plunger into the body of the fill valve with a slight twist to keep the rubber gasket from being misaligned or torn. Slide the lever assembly back through the square hole in the plunger and tighten the thumb screws. Turn the water back on.

Q. "Are all American Standard® parts 'standard' and are ALL their products and parts made in America?"
A. A number of their products are made overseas (as is the case with many other plumbing manufacturers as well). Please do not assume that all products made by American Standard (Am. Stan.) are made in the U.S. The word "standard" and "American Standard®" are NOT identical. Most of their faucet parts will only fit their brand (as is the case with their competitors as well). Many of their toilet parts will only fit their brand of toilet. Not all of American Standard® parts are universal ("standard"). We get this question frequently, and it is probably because some people assume that since they have the word "standard" as part of their name that they must be using parts that are "standard"; as in universally fitting. Just as car bumpers don't fit on all brands of cars, parts for "standard" toilets and faucets will generally not fit on other brands. Generally you must buy parts specifically made for (designed to fit) your specific brand of toilet/faucets, etc.

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