Customer Name: |
Email: |
Shipped To: |
Billed To: |
Ship Via: |
Payment Method: |
Note: because the shipping weight of your order is over 70lbs, and you have chosen a shipping method other than Standard Delivery, we will need to calculate the shipping cost and contact you with the amount. Your order has at least one item that must ship via STANDARD DELIVERY only. Your order contains one or more items that ship direct (not from our location) and cannot be shipped via US Mail from the manufacturer or access warehouse. Therefore, we must calculate the shipping costs to our location and the cost to reship your order via US Mail to your location. Since you have chosen PayPal as your method of payment, you should receive an email from us within 24 hours (Monday - Friday, excluding holidays) with a link to PayPal's web site showing your order information and instructions on how to pay us from your PayPal account. ** Please note that using PayPal may delay your order somewhat as we must first fill the order to be certain that all products are in stock, send you your payment link and then wait for your payment. |
Qty | Product Description | Price EA. | Total | |
Product Subtotal: | ||||
Coupon Discount: | ||||
Order Subtotal: | ||||
Freight: | ||||
Taxable Subtotal: | ||||
Order Total: |
Again, thank you for your order. We really appreciate it!
If you have not done so already, please feel free to fill out a quick survey for your chance to win a counter-top water filter.